Calligraphic Ornamental Penmanship

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Registration for this event will close on July 20, 2024 @ 9:00am.
There are 99 seats remaining.

Program Description

Event Details

Learn all about calligraphic ornamental penmanship with Carol Truly!

Carol Ann Truly is a self-taught calligrapher and mixed-media artist originally from Shreveport, LA. Her love of calligraphy began over a decade ago, and she taught workshops on using pointed pens at Dallas's Creative Arts Center. Experimenting with collage, acrylics, and assemblage, she also enjoys incorporating calligraphy into larger mixed-media projects. Her art has been featured in Somerset Studio magazine and shown at the Mary Tomas Gallery in Dallas and the Flying Fish Gallery in Ben Wheeler. She also belongs to the Dallas Poets Community and the Dallas Creative Community.


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