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Ready to work towards obtaining your GED? Free GED Preparation Classes provided by the Wilkinson Center. For more information, please call 214-821-6380 x 390
Orientations offered every Tuesday at 9:00a and 5:45p - enroll and test onsite.
Please join the Bridge Homeless Shelter on the third floor if you are experiencing homelessness and may be in need of assistance or information.
English language and work skills class for adults
Texas Workforce Solutions of Greater Dallas will provide one-on-one job seeking assistance weekly. Services include resume writing, job coaching, job matching and interview training.
First day and registration on February 10. Free English classes from February 10 through April 28, except for March 31. Class times depends on student's English level.
First day and registration on February 10. Free English classes from February 10 through April 28, except for February 19. Class times depends on student's English level.
Schedule an appointment for a personal techology tutoring session for any basic questions about using the computer or mobile devices, including downloading e-books from the library.
Trained AARP volunteer tax filers will be on-site to help maximize your returns and check your eligibility for Earned Income Tax Credits.
Remember to bring all of your important tax documents including any W-2s.
Do you want to learn the fundamentals of using a computer or personal device to surf the web, create a document or an email, or download and view e-content offered by the library? We can teach you the basics about using a computer or your pe
Practice the skills you need to be ready to read. Hear stories, sing songs, jump around and learn. Suggested ages: 18 months - 3 years old.
Get ready for kindergarten with books, movement, rhymes, and music. Suggested ages: 3-6 years old.
Practice the skills you need to be ready to read. Hear stories, sing songs, jump around and learn. Suggested ages: 18 months - 3 years old
For babies and their caregivers, learn simple rhymes, songs and books to stimulate infants. Suggested ages: 0 to 18 months.
Practice the skills you need to be ready to read. Hear stories, sing songs, jump around and learn!
Suggested ages: 18 months - 3 years old
Practice the skills you need to be ready to read. Hear stories, sing songs, jump around and learn! Suggested ages: 18 months - 3 years old
Reserve an appointment with one of our librarians for one on one computer assistance. Get help with:
Bilingual/Spanish Storytime (Hora de Cuentos)
Stories, songs and rhymes in Spanish to get ready to read! Suggested ages: 6 years old and under.
¡Cuentos, canciones y rímas en español para niños que quieren leer! Para edades de 6 años y menor.
Have a new phone or computer you need help learning how to use? Want to increase your Microsoft Office skills or learn how to use the library website? Join us for this one-on-one technology session. Registration is required.
Enjoy this gentle form of exercise that can help maintain strength, flexibility, and balance,. Great for Seniors and Adults!
Please call Lochwood Branch Library for more information!
Practice the skills you need to be ready to read. Hear stories, sing songs, jump around and learn! Suggested ages: 18 months - 3 years old
Dallas Lace Society Lacemaker's Shop. Please call Debbie Stone at (972) 407-1775 with any questions.
Join members of the Skillman Southwestern Library staff for a fun chair workout. All ages and skill levels welcome
Toddlers and their caregivers are invited to practice the skills they need to be ready to read! Come hear stories, sing songs, jump around, and learn!
Suggested ages: 18 months - 3 years
Basic computer class for adults.
Free classes. Start anytime. All are welcome!
Clases gratis de inglés - Comience en cualquier momento - ¡Todos son bienvenidos!
AARP offers FREE, weekly tax assistance at the North Oak Cliff Branch Library, Tuesdays from 12pm-4pm, Feb 6-April 17 on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Trained AARP volunteer tax filers will be on-site to help maximize your returns and check your eligibility for Earned Income Tax Credits.
Remember to bring all of your important tax documents including any W-2s.
Ready to work towards obtaining your GED? Free GED Preparation Classes provided by the Wilkinson Center. For more information, please call 214-821-6380 x 390
Dallas Public Library will partner with AARP Tax-Aide to offer free, in-person tax assistance through trained volunteers.
Workforce Solutions of Greater Dallas will provide one-on-one job seeking assistance weekly. Services include resume writing, job coaching, job matching and interview training.
Dallas Museum of Art Storytime
Join the Dallas Public Library at the Dallas Museum of Art for storytime.
Free English classes covering practical needs like banking, housing, and shopping.
You are invited to attend free GED preparation classes at the Dallas Public Library. Join us in the 1st floor Penthouse at the J. Erik Jonsson Central Library. You can register in class, and no ID is required.
Mah-Jong for Adults is a weekly gathering to play Mah-Jong.
Have a new phone or computer you need help learning how to use? Want to increase your Microsoft Office skills or learn how to use the library website? Join us for this one-on-one technology session. Registration is required.
Call ahead to schedule one-on-one time to work on technology problems you are having. Every Tuesday or Friday, by appointment only.
Improve your listening and speaking skills, build confidence, and practice your English in a comfortable group environment.
Learn about your community and discuss topics that are important to you.
Join us for classic board games!
Sponsored by the Friends of the Dallas Public Library.
Come and join a lively group of knitters for knitting and conversation.
Learn the game your grandmother loved and that's regaining popularity among today's younger generations. Gain a basic understanding of the game's fundamental components, including pieces, rules, and playing strategy.
A short, focused class on specific topics such as work, school, and finances.
Una clase corta y enfocada en temas específicos como el trabajo, la escuela y las finanzas.
A short, focused class on specific topics such as work, school, and finances.
Una clase corta y enfocada en temas específicos como el trabajo, la escuela y las finanzas.
Afterschool Supersnack/Recarga tus Energías con Nutrición
Refuel afterschool with a free, nutritious meal provided by Equal Heart. Open to ages 0-18. Meals are made possible through the Texas Department of Agriculture’s Child and Adult Care Food Program.
Afterschool Supersnack/Recarga tus Energías con Nutrición
Refuel afterschool with a free, nutritious meal provided by Equal Heart. Open to ages 0-18. Meals are made possible through the Texas Department of Agriculture’s Child and Adult Care Food Program.
Elementary aged children are invited to participate in different arts and crafts activities after school hours.
Kids come to Kleberg-Rylie Library for a fun STEAM activity with pillbugs (rolly-pollys). Learn all about pillbugs and how they help our environment.
Afterschool Supersnack/Recarga tus Energías con Nutrición
Refuel afterschool with a free, nutritious meal provided by Equal Heart. Open to ages 0-18. Meals are made possible through the Texas Department of Agriculture’s Child and Adult Care Food Program.
Afterschool Supersnack/Recarga tus Energías con Nutrición
Refuel afterschool with a free, nutritious meal provided by Equal Heart. Open to ages 0-18. Meals are made possible through the Texas Department of Agriculture’s Child and Adult Care Food Program.
Afterschool Supersnack/Recarga tus Energías con Nutrición
Refuel afterschool with a free, nutritious meal provided by Equal Heart. Open to ages 0-18. Meals are made possible through the Texas Department of Agriculture’s Child and Adult Care Food Program.
The Highland Hills Branch Library and community partners present afterschool activities for youth and teens. The activities embrace the arts and literature through dance, games of strategy and creative expressions.
Afterschool Supersnack/Recarga tus Energias con Nutricion
Refuel afterschool with a free, nutritious meal provided by Equal Heart. Open to ages 0-18. Meals are made possible through the Texas Department of Agriculture's Child and Adult Care Food Program.
Afterschool Supersnack/Recarga tus Energías con Nutrición
Refuel afterschool with a free, nutritious meal provided by Equal Heart. Open to ages 0-18. Meals are made possible through the Texas Department of Agriculture’s Child and Adult Care Food Program.
Afterschool Supersnack/Recarga tus Energías con Nutrición
Enjoy an afterschool snack: sandwich, fruit, veggies, and milk. No pork or beef.
Free to children 18-years-old and younger - while supplies last.
Afterschool Supersnack/Recarga tus Energías con Nutrición
Refuel afterschool with a free, nutritious meal provided by Equal Heart. Open to ages 0-18. Meals are made possible through the Texas Department of Agriculture’s Child and Adult Care Food Program.
Afterschool Supersnack/Recarga tus Energías con Nutrición
Refuel afterschool with a free, nutritious meal provided by Equal Heart. Open to ages 0-18. Meals are made possible through the Texas Department of Agriculture’s Child and Adult Care Food Program.
In this 60 minute Spanish bilingual class, students will learn basic conversational phrases, colors, numbers, and the Spanish alphabet through storytelling, role playing, and poetry.
Use your imagination and journey through many fun and exciting stories.
Reserve an appointment with one of our librarians for one on one computer assistance. Get help with:
Do you ever wonder what a desktop is, or a mouse in computer language? Join us and learn how to perform a search on the internet, improve your typing skills, type out a word document, and much more!
Afterschool Supersnack/Recarga tus Energías con Nutrición
Refuel afterschool with a free, nutritious meal provided by Equal Heart. Open to ages 0-18. Meals are made possible through the Texas Department of Agriculture’s Child and Adult Care Food Program.
Looking for something free and fun to do after school? Join us as we create works of art, play games, and much more!
SMART: Artful Imaginations
Spend the afternoon learning about different types of art and creating your own masterpieces to take home.
Library Out Loud: Traditions of Mexico: Learn to Dance Folklorico
The Traditions of Mexico is an interactive dance class that teaches students Ballet Folklorico. The instructor will choreograph one or two dance routines and teach the children the unique history/story behind each dance.
Do you like creating art, writing, playing games, or just hanging out? We're here for you! Join us for these activities and more at Middle School Hangout every other Tuesday at the Dallas West Branch.
La Plaza Comunitaria del Norte de Dallas es una organizacion de fines no-lucrativos con servicios ofrecidos por voluntarios.
Get crafty with us every Tuesday! Simply come to the front desk and ask for supplies. You will receive all the materials you need for the day's crafternoon activity.
Do you like creating art, writing, playing games, or just hanging out? We're here for you! Join us for these activites and more at Teen Lounge every first Tuesday of the month at the Dallas West Branch.
Ready to work towards obtaining your GED? Register for Free GED Preparation Classes provided by the Wilkinson Center.
Ready to work towards obtaining your GED? Register for Free GED Preparation Classes provided by the Wilkinson Center. To register, please call 214-821-6380 x 390.
Orientations offered every Tuesday at 9:00a and 5:45p - enroll and test onsite.
GED classes are offered by the Wilkinson Center. For more information, please call the Wilkinson Center at 214-821-6380, ext. 391.
Do you have trees in your yard and thought nothing would grow underneath them? Let a Dallas Master Gardener Diana Harris show you how to turn that bare ground into something beautiful.
Children, teens, and caregivers: Come explore a science topic through books, games, experiments, and crafts. This program is primarily for children six years old and older.
Improve your listening and speaking skills, build confidence, and practice your English in a comfortable group environment.
Learn about your community and discuss topics that are important to you.
Audelia Road Branch Chess Club
Come join us at the library for a round of Chess the first and third Tuesday of every month.
Meet other chess players and have some fun.
All ages and levels are welcome.
APSIG (Astrophotography Special Interest Group) is sponsored by the Texas Astronomical Society of Dallas and meets the first Tuesday of every month.
Clases de GED en Español patrocinado por Atmos Energy / GED classes in Spanish funded by Atmos Energy.
Clases de GED en Español patrocinado por Atmos Energy / GED classes in Spanish funded by Atmos Energy.
Join us for a weekly crafting circle where you can bring your materials, spend time working on your needlework, crocheting, quilting, knitting, etc... and socialize with other crafty people.
First day and registration on February 7. Free English classes from February 7 through April 26.
You are invited to attend free GED preparation classes at the Dallas Public Library. Join us in the Auditorium at the North Oak Cliff Branch Library. You can register in class, and no ID is required.
You are invited to attend free GED preparation classes at the Dallas Public Library. Join us in the Auditorium at the Forest Green Branch Library. You can register in class, and no ID is required.
You are invited to attend free GED preparation classes at the Dallas Public Library. Join us in the Classroom at the Lochwood Branch Library. You can register in class, and no ID is required.
You are invited to attend free GED preparation classes at the Dallas Public Library. Join us in the Classroom at the Skyline Branch Library. You can register in class, and no ID is required.
You are invited to attend free GED preparation classes at the Dallas Public Library. Join us in the Florence Jeanette Coe Meeting Room B at the Grauwyler Park Branch Library. You can register in class, and no ID is required.
Join us for a LGBTQ Loss and Support Group for persons in the D/FW area who have lost their same sex partner/spouse.
If you've ever wanted to learn to juggle or would like to start again, come join us at the Prairie Creek Branch Library. Juggling class is offered every Tuesday, and other games and activities are included in this hour of fun!
A Journey to Your Good Health.
Gain and Perfect strength, balance, stamina, and mindfulness. Relieve pain, stress, and arthritis. Inspire health and confidence.