Program Type:
Out-of-School Time/Summer ReadingAge Group:
School Age (ages 6-12)Program Description
Event Details
When life gives you lemons, experiment! Follow along as you make a colorful lemonade, learn how to make it fizzy, and turn it into a yummy frozen sorbet while learning the scientific principles behind each transformation. We'll also squeeze in a demonstration on how lemons can be turned into a battery.
Supplies needed if you want to follow along with the experiments:
Experiment #1
5 tbsp lemon juice
5 tbsp simple syrup ( Heat ½ cup of sugar in ½ cup of water until the sugar is dissolved and let cool, you might need the help from adults for this part)
Liquid measuring cup that holds at least 4 oz.
Teaspoon measure
Food coloring (optional, but will make the layers easier to see)
Large glass filled with ice
Experiment #2
Lemonade made in previous experiment (or separate glass of lemonade)
1 teaspoon baking soda
Teaspoon measure
Experiment #3
1 cup fruit juice (can use lemonade from previous experiments)
2 cups ice
1 cup salt
1 resealable plastic sandwich bag
1 quart sized resealable plastic bag.
Liquid measuring cup
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