Brown Bag Talks: Adult Speaker Series

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Adult (18+)
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Program Description

Event Details

Welcome to our Brown Bag Talk series where we will invite local experts to discuss topics of interest from history to philosophy to science and more. This month will feature Beverly Davis. Beverly is a fifth generation Texan, native Dallasite and a founding member of Remembering Black Dallas where she currently serves as Vice-President. 

Remembering Black Dallas is a multi-ethnic and multi-generational organization founded by the late Dr. George Keaton Jr. in 2015. The mission of the organization is to preserve and promote the African American life, history, artifacts and culture of Dallas and its surrounding cities. Over the last 10 years Remembering Black Dallas has documented the history of African American Freedman’s towns in Dallas; worked with the city, county and state to establish historical markers to honor the accomplishments of African American pioneers and worked to established memorial sites such as Martyrs Park in Downtown Dallas. 

Beverly’s presentation will focus on the untold stories of African Americans who have made significant contributions to the Dallas community. Bring your lunch and become a game master with us!