Age Group:
School Age (ages 6-12)Program Description
Event Details
Visit the Pleasant Grove branch the first Saturday of every month from noon -2pm for a featured family film in Spanish! Free popcorn and drinks available at concession stand.
Join us for a special presentation of Disney's "The Princess and the Frog". A prince is transformed into a frog and accidentally curses a beautiful princess with an amphibian form as well when he kisses her in an attempt to break the spell. The two then go a wild journey through the bayous of Louisiana in hopes of finding a voodoo priestess who may be able to restore their true forms.
Acompáñenos en una presentación especial de "La princesa y la rana" de Disney. Un príncipe se transforma en rana y maldice accidentalmente a una bella princesa con forma anfibia cuando la besa en un intento de romper el hechizo. Los dos se embarcan en un alocado viaje por los pantanos de Luisiana con la esperanza de encontrar a una sacerdotisa vudú capaz de devolverles su verdadera forma.
Esta actividad forma parte de un programa especial de películas en español para toda la familia. Consulte el calendario para ver más películas en inglés y español./ This activity is part of a special program of movies in Spanish for the whole family. Check the calendar for more movies in English and Spanish.
Provided by the Friends of the Dallas Public Library.