"Stories, Songs and Sarod" Live Music and Meditation with Stephen Day

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This is not a library sponsored event.

Purpose of Meeting

An immersive experience of Meditation, Indian Classical Music, Stores, and Songs to awaken your inner being. 


When we pursue our deepest desires, we often find ourselves a choice to return to our old ways, dismissing our dreams as mere illusions or to forge on to the unknown, surrendering. To what we haven’t seen or come to know. Paradoxically, the key lies in not choosing but in letting go..

We must release ourselves and embrace the formless, the desireless, the actionless, and the pure. Only then can we become one with the very flow of creation and realize the infinite dream.


Stories, Songs, Sarod is a journey into the unknown depths of your inner being.  Your guide is artist Stephen Day, an award winning composer, musician, songwriter and storyteller.  Stephen learned Sahaja Yoga meditation from a young age and went on to travel around the world several timesl with founder of Sahaja Yoga,  renowned spiritual leader Shri  Mataji Nirmala Devi.  



More about the artist: 

Stephen  lived and studied music in India with Sarod masters whose family lineage runs 9 generations deep.  (The legendary Ustad Amjad Ali Khan, his two sons and two grandsons now play together in concerts in premier venues around the world). After his world travels and studies, Stephen settled in Los Angeles and turned his attention towards film scores and compositions.  He has composed several pieces for network Television nad feature film including The 51st State with Samuel Jackson. He organized and led a group of musicians to perform at the United Nations headquarters in New York in 2007 and In 2017 he wes recognized with the Global Peace Awared by the Global Peace Foundation - a chapter of the United Nations. 

Its an honor and a pleasure for him now to lead sessions of Stores, Songs, Sarod for audiences worldwide and looks forward to meeting you on your path to enlightenment.