Program Type:
Arts, Culture, & LiteratureAge Group:
Adult (18+)Program Description
Event Details
Welcome guys, gals, and nonbinary pals!
In May we travel off the beaten path with Semi Queer by Anne Balay, a fascinating look inside the lives of gay, trans, and Black truck drivers. You're welcome to read the whole book, but we'll focus our discussion on the introduction and chapter 2.
Long-haul trucking is linked to almost every industry in America, yet the working-class drivers behind big rigs remain largely hidden from public view. Semi Queer changes this with its oral histories of gay, trans, and minority truck drivers. For people routinely subjected to prejudice, hatred, and violence in their hometowns and in the job market, trucking can provide an opportunity for safety, welcome isolation, and a chance to be themselves--even as the low-wage work is fraught with tightening regulations, constant surveillance, danger, and exploitation.
You can access Semi Queer on Hoopla or request a copy through the catalog. Need a library card? Get one here!
Queer Reads Book Club discusses fiction and nonfiction books about and/or written by the LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer) community.
All identities are welcome at Queer Reads Book Club for fun, thoughtful, and supportive discussions. This is a safe space free of harassment, and by joining you agree to respect your fellow readers.
This program will take place online. Got a recommendation for our next read? Submit it here!