Grow with Us-Wintering Sparrows of North Texas

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Adult (18+)
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Program Description

Event Details

Join Jake Poinsett from the Trinity River Audubon Center for one of his more popular presentations this time of year, “Wintering Sparrows of North Texas”. You didn't know? Yes, there are many different types of sparrows, and they are not all resident birds. Many travel thousands of miles to spend a warmer winter with us such as the dark eyed junco from Canada. These birds and many others are charming visitors to Texas bird feeders.

He will focus on some of the sparrows that are returning to our neighborhoods around Dallas, identification tips, habitat preferences, and how to make our backyard habitats more bird friendly.

Jake Poinsett is the Program Manager – Academic Programs at the Trinity River Audubon Center. His local work in conservation, preservation and environmental programs is a life-long calling. Formerly a park ranger for Texas Parks and Wildlife, South Carolina State Parks, and the National Park Service, Jake always adds his unique perspective from his travels, advocacy, and how the Dallas area can broaden its positive environmental impact city-wide. 

Grow with Us is a series of online sessions from the Dallas Public Library - Seed Library and Dallas Environmental Quality and Sustainability hosting expert speakers to share practical, informative, and inspirational information about growing and urban agriculture in Dallas. 

This program is available online only.